The HomePlace
Through counseling, prayer, mentoring, discipleship, and training in social and life skills, residents of the HomePlace gain the strength to lead productive lives. The HomePlace is the recovery phase of our program. It is a highly structured, residential discipleship program aimed at full recovery from the behaviors and attitudes of addiction.
The HomePlace is a Discipleship House specializing in men with Drug & Alcohol Addictions
The Homeplace is located on six acres of quiet rolling land just outside of Xenia, Ohio.
It is a wonderful place for a rest, a renewal and a restart from their former life of addiction. Through counseling, prayer, mentoring, discipleship, and training in social and life skills, residents of the Homeplace gain the strength to lead productive lives. It is a highly structured, residential, christian discipleship program aimed at full recovery from the behaviors and attitudes of addiction.
Each man that comes into the Homeplace is unique, and therefore has a unique history that allowed drug and alcohol addiction to become his version of a normal life. Jesus promised us in His Word that we "may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10).
We take that promise seriously, and trust Him to break the chains of addiction for the men in the Homeplace. We all know that real victory comes from Christ, so each resident is surrounded by a community of believers that are constantly pointing him towards the Good News of the Gospel, and living it out beside him daily.
For a man trapped in addiction, but seeking a new life in Christ, the change experienced at the Homeplace through Jesus, is nothing but miraculous to the man that experiences it, and undeniable to anyone that witnesses it. The time men live at the Homeplace depends on their growth in Christ, as measured by the Fruits of the Spirit that they display. The average time for each man is typically between 9 months and 12 months.
Beyond the discipleship that takes place at the Homeplace, it is also evolving into a location that embraces country living at its root. This will include: chickens, turkeys, goats, bees, a wood working shop, a leather shop, and a large garden. Country living is a perfect way to give someone who lived with drug and alcohol addiction a sense of responsibility and structure which tend to be lost after years of addiction.