What’s Up in the Tree
“Thank you for showing me that I am worth something and being there for me.” — a graduate
April 2022 In this issue: Graduation, Special Music at Family Farm Fun Day, Why is The Jeremiah Tree program so long?
GRADUATION! Adam completed his year of The Jeremiah Tree program on March 29 so on March 31 we celebrated together. Adam has worked hard and allowed God to grow him. Adam has asked for an extension of his time with us. He very recently changed his plans from moving back to Tennessee near his family to staying here in Xenia. This extension of time with us will give him time to find a job he can do longer term and find a place to live. Watch the video below to view part of the graduation.
FAMILY FARM FUN DAY Live music is one of the big happenings at Family Farm Fun Day. Local musicians Tyler Detrick and Geoff Walker will be playing together at 2 pm. Violin and guitar will be the main instruments as they play some roots/bluegrass music, but there is rumor that Tyler’s bagpipes may also be making an appearance. Replay, a Classic Rock band with our Board member Blair Labig, will be with us at 4 pm playing some of the greats from the 60s and 70s. Headlining the day’s music will be Andrew Scott Wills, a Greene County native who now records in Nashville. He plays some great country music! Take the live music, add a scrumptious BBQ supper, activities for all ages, and a RAFFLE of one-of-a-kind, mostly handcrafted items and you will agree that it will be a wonderful day! Individual tickets are $40. A Family of 4 ticket is $130 and extra food tickets may be added to a family ticket for $11. Ticket prices go up May 5. Please plan now to join us by putting the date on your calendar and buying your tickets!
More information and tickets here!Tyler and Geoff play…listen to a sample here
Andrew Scott Wills is coming all the way from Nashville to play for us!
FINANCIAL UPDATE Thank you - thank you! - to those who donated last month! We are still losing some ground compared to where we began the year. Will you help us regain that slipping ground and be ready to hire an Executive Director? We will be advertising soon for the position.
The residents and staff at the Made to Thrive Conference in Xenia.
WHY IS THE JEREMIAH TREE PROGRAM SO LONG? by Pastor Steve Wilson A detox facility typically keeps a person for 5-14 days. A drug rehabilitation center treats a person for three months. The Jeremiah Tree program is a year long, with the option for residents to stay longer. Why do we require residents to stay so long? Two reasons: First, most of the men who apply to our program have been caught in addiction for years. While many people want a quick fix to their problems, we know that breaking free of not only addiction, but the lifestyle that comes with it, will take time. Second, we’re trying to grow these men in more areas than just practicing sobriety. We help them mature spiritually, socially, and culturally. We seek ways to improve their overall mental and physical health. We guide them through legal and financial difficulties. We help them find employment and get their entire lives set on the right track. At the Jeremiah Tree, we give men enough time to begin in earnest the process of being a true, lifelong disciple of Jesus.
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